30 December 2008

Book & Writing Festivals

Well, kiddies, I'm back and flappin' free. For a little update...My mom is doing great now! *Whew* She's scared the hell out of us, but she's back up to speed and back to work now. She definitely seems happier for it all too, despite the scare. Thanks so much to everyone who sent well-wishing and thoughts; we truly appreciate it. Now on to some other things. I've decided that since this site is suuposed to have something to do with writing, books, or the weird ramblings of a writer that I should put something on here again pertaining to one of those items....So here goes... January 2009 Writing/Book Festivals BookMania! - Stuart, FL - January - 772-221-1403 - email: mclsprogram@martin.fl.us Cowboy Poetry Gathering - January-February - Elko, NV - 775-738-7508 - www.westernfolklife.org Eleventh Moon Storytelling Festival - Natchez, MS - January - 601-446-6502 Kearney Storytelling Festival - Kearney, NE - January - 308-468-6476 - www.nebraskastoryarts.org/kearney_festival.html Key West Literary Seminar - Key West, FL - January - 888-293-9291 - http://keywestliteraryseminar.org Winter Storytelling Festival - Kennesaw, GA - January-February - 404-329-9950 - email: sosmailcmt@aol.com ZORA! Festival - Eatonville, FL - January (last weekend) - 407-647-3307 - www.zoranealehurstonfestival.com I'll add the February events once I get a completed list of those together, too. It's not a comprehensive list, and some of the places are a little distance from me, but I figure they're close to someone and there are more festivals than I was previously aware of. Just wanted to share those with you all. Also, I'm going to start including what I'm currently reading, what's up next to read, and what I have planned for near future reading. So here are the initials: CR (currently reading), UN (up next), and NFR (near future reading), so you're down with the lingo, daddy-o! CR: Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark and Stranger She Knew by ? (can't remember off the top of my head and it's at home) UN: (nothing at this time until after the first of the year) NFR: (haven't gone through my new pile of books received for Solstice this year yet) Well, that's it for now. I am officially back from the land of the dead (technologically and socially speaking) and back in full swing. Looking forward to 2009's rewards and pleasures, failures and frustrations, and I wish you all a year filled with warmth, caring, a smidge of disappoint to balance it all out, and - most of all - books, books, and more books!!!! :) B.B. Walter

22 October 2008

Mother Not Doing Well

As a few of you know, my mom had gall bladder surgery last Thursday. Despite finding a few more things wrong while they were in there (that they went ahead and fixed), she appeared to be doing ok. Friday we had quite the scare when she couldn't keep her oxygen levels up but was out of danger by Sunday. They even talked about releasing her today on Sunday. Monday night, however, she began having trouble with her breathing again and complaining of chest pain. They have moved her to the Heart Wing at Union Hospital in Terre Haute. My sister is with her now, and I will be heading that way as well to spend time with her. Mainly, I wanted to stop in here and let everyone know how she was doing since I don't have time to call everyone and keep them posted. I appreciate all the well wishing and prayers and thoughts that have been coming our way, and I know my mother does as well. Thank you! I will make sure I try to stop in here and leave a few notes to her well-being from time to time.

13 October 2008

Bad Week

Ever have one of those ridiculously downer weeks? I am currently riding one.
Unfortunately, my grandmother's long-time boyfriend, Dewey, passed away this weekend. Dewey had been battling colon cancer for sometime, had undergone radiation treatments, but hadn't outlasted the terrible disease. My grandmother and Dewey were long-time friends and began seeing each other after my grandfather's death and Dewey's wife death some years ago. While Dewey couldn't replace my gradnfather, he was a grandfather in his own way to all of us. Quick with a smile and chuckle, he will be sorely missed by the entire Brown clan!
Ontop of that, I'm stressed because my mom is going in for surgery this Thursday. Nothing too terribly serious, but they are having to completely open her up. She needs to have her gallbladder removed and to have a growth lanced off of one of her kidneys.
On a good note, I've started my Long Ridge Writer's Group courses. For those who are unfamiliar with this - Long Ridge is a by-mail writing class that strengths writer's in areas of non-fiction and fiction for magazine and short story publication. They are heavily accredited through the Better Business Bureau and have been in operation for some years. Many writers have completed the 2 year course (you can complete it earlier, depending on how fast you get to your assignments). You are paired with a published writer as your mentor who goes over each assignment with you step-by-step. I encourage you to check out their website http://www.longridgewritersgroup.com/ or you can Google them.
Well, that it about it for now. I do have a book signing coming up for Sister Light at Waldenbooks at the Cross conty Mall in Mattoon, Illinois this Saturday, October 18, 2008. I will be there from 12-3 pm. There will be free books given away, a trivia contest, and you can be entered into a free giveaway for tons of gifts from me!
Look forward to seeing anyone who can make it...Until then - tah-tah!
B.B. Walter

07 October 2008

Things Most Commonly Asked by Non-Writers

Okay, since this blog is supposed to revolve around writing and all the things that go with it, I thought I'd actually write something on...(hold your hat!) writing! (TA-DA!)
No seriously.
I get asked lots of things by people when I'm out and about, or when they find out that I write. I've decided today, Dear Reader, to go over those few items I get asked mostly commonly...And i know every other writer gets asked these, too, because I've been there when people have asked other writers these same questions.
Question #1 - Where do you come up with this stuff?
Answer - Well, hopefully, this comment is because they think my stuff is so fantastic they can't fathom the depths of creativity my mind can muster...and I hope it's not meant in the "Oh my god! What is this crap?" You know. Every writer is different in how they come up with ideas. I've met tons that see inspiration everywhere around them (playing with their kids, a scene playing out in real life on the neighborhood street, or a beautiful sight that inspires them to no end). I'm different in that most of my ideas come from my dreams. I have some really fantastic dreams that I jot down in a notebook or on the laptop as soon as I possible can after waking. (To my husband's dismay, I sometimes jot these down in the middle of the night, then go back to bed.) The idea rarely stays the same as the original dream (i.e. my inspiration for my fantasy novel Sister Light was only a one line blurb "Beware the Child with the pale blue eyes" scratched out in my notebook and posted to a large bulletin board for future use). The dream always unfolds into something else, however, for me. Once I have a chance to sit down and let the words trickle from my fingertips, the story begans to mold and shape, forming a backbone of its own that I can build the skeletal structure around. (I don't flesh out until after the first draft is completed.)
Question #2 - How can you work on multiple stories at once? Isn't it hard to concentrate?
Answer - Actually, a lot of writers ask me this same thing, so it's not just a non-writer question. My answer is always the same. Simple: I'm a multi-tasker, first. And second? I don't write the stories; they write me!
I'm one of those people who can start multiple ideas at one time. I work on them as long as they demand my attention, and then they are tucked away until I choose to pick them up and really focus on the story.
As in (currently) I have seven storylines started, but I'm only focusing on four of them. There are five more storylines that have been squirreled away for another day, and I have at least ten projects that have stalled on the tracks (so to speak) and will probably be pulled out of the drawer (or my folder on my desktop labeled "Tidbits") and reworked and revised later on.
My other saving grace, other than being a multi-tasker, is that I'm dedicated and decent with time management (only as far as my writing...anything else in life and I'm a train wreck, just ask my family). I know how much time I need to spend writing to dedicate a fair share to each project, and I sit down and just do it. Period. Truthfully, I don't have any more time then anyone else does, but writing feels good, gives something to people, and is what I seriously want to do with the rest of my life. 'Course the money from royalties and the possibility of becoming rich and famous are big motivating factors too!
Question #3 - Why do you write?
Answer - Well, I touched on this briefly a moment ago. Every writer has different reasons for writing. Mine is simple - IT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD.
I can't imagine not writing. I've been doing it since I was a child (those are interesting stories to re-read for sheer humility factor), and it's become second nature. Writing has always been a great outlet for me (emotionally, etc.). Also, it makes me feel good when someone reads what I wrote and likes it, telling me about it later. (Of course it makes me feel crummy when they don't like it, but -hey!- whatcha gon' do?)
Also, I'm not going to lie. Writing is successful for many people. You can get rich and famous being a writer. Rich and famous appeals to me. Some people grow up wanting to be rockstars; I grew up wanting to be Stephen King. Writing is also a means to an ends for me; I want to be successful at something I love to do, stay at home and not have to report to a timeclock every morning; customize my work schedule to better fit with my life; and spend time with my head in the clouds...I want to be a writer.
Okay, so those are the three top questions I get asked as a writer from non-writers. For all the writers who do read my blog each day, what are the questions you get asked most frequently? If you're a non-writer and read my blog, feel free to ask me any questions you are burning to know the answers to. My life is an open book, not just my work!

05 October 2008

Been Slacking

Ok, I've been a little remiss in getting on here and writing something every so often. I'll admit, most of it has been shear laziness...Some of it, however, has been a fairly hectic schedule. This time of year is so incredibly busy for me - book signings are picking back up, family events are taking place, and I've also started this writing course which is just getting underway. Everything combined has made things crazy. So, just to let everyone know, I'm not dead...just dead on my feet! *laugh* I promise I will be more diligent with my updates from now on. So don't shut me yet...I'm new at this blogging thing, and it's one more new thing to figure out how to add into my schedule. Never fear...I'm a multi-tasker extreme. But for tonight...good night and sweet dreams...I'm off to the land of fantasy and make-believe; Book Two and Three are still needing some work, as well as the plethura of other stories demanding a little TLC from me. Good night from B.B. Walter

30 September 2008

A Quick Note

Just a little note to let everyone know I'm not dead. :) I fell a bit behind on things last week and since internet is not primary concern and writing is I slacked on blogging and doing updates. So, here is a quick overview from last week: Item #1 - B.B. Walter was the undisputable heavy-weight champion against Mysterious Illness. The battle was fierce but B.B. hung in there to pull out an A-Maz-Ing! recovery to triumph over the nasty foe. The bell dinged and it was B.B. 1 - Mysterious Illness -0! (And the crowd goes wild..........) Item #2 - Since I had that epic combat with sickiness last week, I've fallen a bit behind on all things: internet updates, email checking, reviews, and writing. So, please be patient. I have a system for getting caught up, but it will take time. I promise all is important to me and I multi-task well! :) Item #3 - Publically appeared at the Tri-State Book Expo Evansville, Indiana, at the Washington Square Mall. There were more than sixty authors signed, and more than fifty that attended the event on Saturday, September 27, 2008. The event was all day from 9-4 where people could meet local and not-so-local authors and we could talk with the public as well. A few good friends attended with me - Molly Daniels, P.M. Russell, and Bernice Camp. And I was pleasantly surprised to make a few more good friends while there - Jay Zimmer (Dry Terror), Tracey Barrett (Anna of the Byzantium), and quite a few more too many to list out. It really was a great event, and I enjoyed the day despite the lack of significant sales. Item #4 - Tracey Barrett was kind enough to pass on information about another book signing conglomeration in the Nashville, TN area on October 11 & 12. I will not be able to attend, but do have the information if anyone would like to know a little more about it. Item #5 - I have an event coming up fairly soon at the Waldenbooks in Mattoon, Illinois, at Cross County Mall. There is more information listed on my website under the Book Schedule section, and I will get some information to follow on my blog soon about events and links. Ok, I think that about does it for now for me...plus, I'm only on the fifteen minute break work affords me, so I need to keep it short for now. Just a quick note to let all know that I'm neither dead or lost in the Bermuda Triangle. :) Promise I'll be caught up with everything soon. B.B. Walter www.bbwalter.com

19 September 2008

Just a Little Something

Hey all! Just wanted to pop on today and say a little something since I'll be out for the weekend and probably won't get a chance.
I'm headed down home tonight to pick up my talented and beautiful niece Ashlae. I'm bringing her up for the weekend so she can sing at the Mattoon, Illinois Relay for Life. She'll be on stage performing from 7:30-8 p.m. Saturday, September 20, 2008 at Peterson Park in Mattoon. I'm a hugely active member in the Relay, and last year I noticed a lot of local singers/performing up on stage during the Relay, so I asked if it was possible for Ash to perform. They thought it was a great idea, and I know how much she loves singing in front of new people. So it all worked out great for everyone - Ash gets new people to hear her sing, I get to show off my gorgeous, talented niece, and the Relay gets another performer to draw people's attention and get them involved in raising money to find a cure.
It also means that I get to chill out with my niece for the weekend, which will be cool. It'll be a good kick-back and watch movies, talk about her school and stuff (and I know she'll grill me on my latest writing projects), and have fun.
Since we're doing the Relay, I'm not going to bring my nephew R.J. up with me this time. Normally I get them both. But there will be a lot of time spent just walking the track at the park, and I think he'd be really really bored. So it'll just be the girls this weekend. I'll have to make it a point to go back down sometime soon and bring him up for a fun weekend with Aunt Billie, too.
Anyway, so that's the extent of my weekend plans (and my explanation for not blogging much over the weekend. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
B.B. Walter

18 September 2008

Fatigue, Time and Motivation...3 Obstacles to Writing

Allright, since I decided solely to rant yesterday on my blog, today will include somethng productive. Since becoming a writer, whenever I meet someone and they learn of this fact, the one question I always receive is "How do you find the time?" or "Where do you come up with your ideas?" Today, I'm going to tackle these three very important topics for writers.
(Please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times and enjoy the ride!)
Fatigue - One of the key points of everyday life. Adults are simply tired - All. The. Time. Period. Between work, kids, housecleaning, paying bills, errands, and social life - there isn't enough time to sleep, so there isn't enough energy to go around. We all know that Family and Bills/Work are priorities that head up every adults life. Followed closely behind those are housecleaning and errands. And, if we're lucky, we get to fit in a social life. (Most of us aren't lucky.) With writing, being tired is a bad thing. Fatigue is bad mojo for the creative Muse to strike. When it comes to being tired and writing, you have to do what we do when we face all other things and we're tired. We just do it.
Writing is like any other aspect of our work lives. If you're writing for publication (or with the hopes of one day becoming published) then it has to be viewed as work. Fun and interesting work, but work nonetheless. The great thing about being a writer is that our work is fun and interesting. And, I'm willing to go out on a limb here, I'd guess that once you do sit down at your computer or with your notebook or typewriter and start the process of writing that you feel infused with energy and don't want to stop, right? Come on, you know I'm right! Writing is stimulating; it gets the brain thinking, blood starts flowing, and (if we're writing something we're interested in and most of us are) then it gets the blood pounding. Plain and simple, it makes us feel good, so we want more. You know you'll feel good once you start, so the trouble is actually starting. My advise here is simple. When I don't feel like writing because I'm tired and run-down feeling I tell myself one thing: "I'm going to pick up the laptop for 15 minutes only, and I'm only going to edit." I set an alarm, and here's the thing I learned...I never only edit, and at the end of the 15 minutes, I always always reset the alarm for another hour.
Just like any form of work or exercise...Writers know we have to write to survive. The same with work and exercise, it's something we have to PUSH ourselves to do. The good news is that once you do, unlike work and exercise usually, you're going to end up happy, fulfilled, and just darned proud of yourselves so....Shush, grab the notebook, and push through it. You'll be glad you did!!
Second subject that goes hand in hand with fatigue is TIME!!! (Dum dum DUUUUM!) I won't list out again everything that eats away at our precious time. (If you need it, see paragraph #3) Time is an issue regular people have, so it makes sense that it is also an issue writers have...only we have one.more.thing. to squeeze into that darn day. There are two things you have to realize before I talk about "How to make time in your busy day". Are you a lark or an owl?
Larks are morning people. This is not to say you enjoy getting up early to go about your day, but that you find you are more productive and get more achieved throughout your particular day when you do get up early. You're also sharper and more focused during the day, have more energy, and are generally in a better mood.
Owls are night people. This may mean a mid-day person. Generally these are people who are sharper and more focused during the later parts of the day, are sluggish moving around in the earlier hours of the day (like it takes you three hours to wake up instead of a brisk hot shower and a bowl of cereal), and are short tempered when woken before, say, 11 a.m.
Once a person determines which kind of individual they are, it makes it easier to go into this next part. If you're a lark, you should write in the morning; if you're an owl, the evenings. This means when you sit down at whatever you use to write, you should try to schedule your day around these factors. I am (to my husband's annoyance) a lark. (He's an owl.) I'm required to be at work at 8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday; I live precisely 15 minutes from work if I hit a train that morning; My beauty regime takes me 45 minutes (shower, dress, makeup, breakfast...the whole nine yards). What time do I get up? 5:00 a.m. Why? Because I'm a lark; I'm more productive during the day. So that is when I schedule my writing time.
Second thing a person needs to do after discovering their individuality is time management!!! I can't stress it enoough. You have a work schedule, right? So have a writing schedule! It makes sense. You have a time you have to start work (within x amount of time so you don't get in trouble) and a certain time to get off work. Do the same with your writing. This is not saying you need to force yourself to write. If you sit down and can't get started on anything new, then edit something old, do some research (real research, not just surfing the web or playing games...research includes, however, reading my blog *smile*), or reread and revise old material. Ten-to-one says that one of those items will kick-start the old silly noodle and you'll end up writing something.
The key thing with this "scheduled writing time" is that people know this is work time, not optional. Ever notice how everyone calls you while you're at work? They want to swing in for a chat when you have a date planned with your husband? Humans are genetically programmed to be a disruption, I think, and that's why we all have this talent for zeroing in on a person's scheduled whatever time. Friends and family should know when your time to write is and when they are not welcome. You have to be as blunt as that because, if you're not, it will be taken as being ok if they think it's important. (Like them needing to ask if you're going to watch the Cubbies tomorrow night...you know, a conversation that can wait for another hour or so.) Be polite but be firm about your schedule....with others and with yourself.
All right, key thing...Motivation. Every writer has different motivating factors in their lives - personal fulfillment, money, fame, a combination of things. (I'm a fame/money person with a dash of personal fulfillment tossed in for flavor.) There is not cut and dry motivation for anyone in this world; humans are complicated, and so are their motivations. The important thing is realizing What motivates you. For me, motivation can be as simple as looking at the thin pocketbook (lack of money equals need to write more) or Google-ing myself online (I don't come up that often that I feel I'm starting to get famous. The personal fulfillment dash? I'm not happy unless I'm working on something, period. So that takes care of that. Your mission (should you choose to except it) is to take a long hard look at your writing and ask, "How important is writing to me?" If you answer that it is toss Issue #1 and Issue #2 right out the window; they no longer matter. Your family is important and (unfortunately) work and bills are important, so you make time and spend energy you don't have on those, don't you? The same goes with motivation for writing...if it's important, you will make the time and you will find the energy.
If you can't, then you're a dreamer, not a writer.
B.B. Walter
Fiction Novelist

17 September 2008

Refreshing to See Honest Mechanics These Days

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all mechanics are crooked. That being said, however...have you ever noticed how there are just a few more things wrong with your vehicle when you take it in then the basic oil change you needed?
My father is an auto mechanic - has been for my whole life. I used to think that mechanics were helpful, friendly and concerned for their customer's safety and well=being....Until I bought my first car and needed work done. Sicne then I've found mechanics downright rude, arrogant, and shady.
What's bringing this whole rant about is my car, of course. I have an SUV that has been (irritatingly so) loosing air out of the rear tires for months now. All of the sudden, it also started making a strange sound while I was in motion. Tires loosing air I can manage; it's called an air hose at the gas station every two to three days. Funny sounds? Definitely not ok.
I took it in to the local mechanic in my town. Truthfully, I expected them to find all sorts of problems (not related to the tires or the funny sound) with my car, but to my surprise they didn't. Turns out the rotors on the car had started to rust on the inside, hence the rubbing sound when I was driving. I steeled myself when I asked how much it would be to replace the rotors. Low and behold, the mechanic laughed and said, "We'll just take the tires off, turn the rotors over, and put 'em back on, ma'am. There's nothing wrong with the other side; they'll last a good while yet."
I was stunned and pleasantly so. I half expected him to be all "Well, missus, it can get might-y pricey." Maybe I wasn't being fair (I'm willing to admit), but my experience has not been great with mechanics in the past. He even laughed and mentioned the tires next. Then I thought "Oh no; here's the kicker." He said they thought they looked a little low and they could patch them for me. Not sell me new tires but patch them.
Every time I take my vehicle in for any kind of non-standard maintenance (tires, suspension work, funny sounds, etc.) I expect a minimum of $150-$200 spent; these guys fixed my funny sound (which could have become hazardous at some point) and my tires (seriously an issue when it comes to good gas mileage) for less than $70! All-in-all I was very pleased!!
'Course, I know this has nothing to do with my writing, books, or other authors, but I figured this is my blog so I can add the occasional tidbit that is not necessarily related to writing. Also, and you never know with a writer's brain, I may have a decent, honest mechanic star in one of my books sometime. :)

16 September 2008

All right, I'm about to complete my first ever blog online. It's a little scary, but I have my blankey and a flashlight so I think I'm good. My website ( www.bbwalter.com ) has a small blog on it that I occasionally put random bits of information on, but it's not much of a blog. A good friend, Molly Daniels (young adult romance writer extraordinare!) told me all about her blog. So I checked it out, decided it was pretty cool, and thought "I need to get off my butt and try this 'blog thing'." So here I am. Ok, now for the good stuff. Intent of Blog: (sounds a little like a legal notice, doesn't it?) To discuss books and writing This can be anything from books/projects I've written/am writing, to friend's (other published writers) books, to the general books of bigger named (but no more important) authors. I also intend to use this site to interview up-and-coming authors; post tips on writing, editing, and promotion/marketing; and to provide resources for struggling writers who like to dream big. Well, that's about it for now. I think that's a pretty good jumping off point for a new adventure. If you want to learn more about me that isn't here on my blog, try my website www.bbwalter.com (business) or my MySpace www.myspace.com/bbwalter (personal). If you're an author interested in being interviewed or having me chat up and promote your books/writing a bit, leave me a message on my guestbook or email me, and we'll chat! Have a good one, and remember to tilt your head and squint one eye...Your impossible world is waiting! BBWalter - Author of Sister Light, Book One: Of Shadows