22 October 2008

Mother Not Doing Well

As a few of you know, my mom had gall bladder surgery last Thursday. Despite finding a few more things wrong while they were in there (that they went ahead and fixed), she appeared to be doing ok. Friday we had quite the scare when she couldn't keep her oxygen levels up but was out of danger by Sunday. They even talked about releasing her today on Sunday. Monday night, however, she began having trouble with her breathing again and complaining of chest pain. They have moved her to the Heart Wing at Union Hospital in Terre Haute. My sister is with her now, and I will be heading that way as well to spend time with her. Mainly, I wanted to stop in here and let everyone know how she was doing since I don't have time to call everyone and keep them posted. I appreciate all the well wishing and prayers and thoughts that have been coming our way, and I know my mother does as well. Thank you! I will make sure I try to stop in here and leave a few notes to her well-being from time to time.


Molly Daniels said...

Hugs sweetie. Your mom's in my prayers!

pmrussell said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your mom. I'll say a prayer for her.

Bronwyn Green said...

I hope your mom is recovered and that you're doing well, too.