16 September 2008

All right, I'm about to complete my first ever blog online. It's a little scary, but I have my blankey and a flashlight so I think I'm good. My website ( www.bbwalter.com ) has a small blog on it that I occasionally put random bits of information on, but it's not much of a blog. A good friend, Molly Daniels (young adult romance writer extraordinare!) told me all about her blog. So I checked it out, decided it was pretty cool, and thought "I need to get off my butt and try this 'blog thing'." So here I am. Ok, now for the good stuff. Intent of Blog: (sounds a little like a legal notice, doesn't it?) To discuss books and writing This can be anything from books/projects I've written/am writing, to friend's (other published writers) books, to the general books of bigger named (but no more important) authors. I also intend to use this site to interview up-and-coming authors; post tips on writing, editing, and promotion/marketing; and to provide resources for struggling writers who like to dream big. Well, that's about it for now. I think that's a pretty good jumping off point for a new adventure. If you want to learn more about me that isn't here on my blog, try my website www.bbwalter.com (business) or my MySpace www.myspace.com/bbwalter (personal). If you're an author interested in being interviewed or having me chat up and promote your books/writing a bit, leave me a message on my guestbook or email me, and we'll chat! Have a good one, and remember to tilt your head and squint one eye...Your impossible world is waiting! BBWalter - Author of Sister Light, Book One: Of Shadows

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