30 September 2008

A Quick Note

Just a little note to let everyone know I'm not dead. :) I fell a bit behind on things last week and since internet is not primary concern and writing is I slacked on blogging and doing updates. So, here is a quick overview from last week: Item #1 - B.B. Walter was the undisputable heavy-weight champion against Mysterious Illness. The battle was fierce but B.B. hung in there to pull out an A-Maz-Ing! recovery to triumph over the nasty foe. The bell dinged and it was B.B. 1 - Mysterious Illness -0! (And the crowd goes wild..........) Item #2 - Since I had that epic combat with sickiness last week, I've fallen a bit behind on all things: internet updates, email checking, reviews, and writing. So, please be patient. I have a system for getting caught up, but it will take time. I promise all is important to me and I multi-task well! :) Item #3 - Publically appeared at the Tri-State Book Expo Evansville, Indiana, at the Washington Square Mall. There were more than sixty authors signed, and more than fifty that attended the event on Saturday, September 27, 2008. The event was all day from 9-4 where people could meet local and not-so-local authors and we could talk with the public as well. A few good friends attended with me - Molly Daniels, P.M. Russell, and Bernice Camp. And I was pleasantly surprised to make a few more good friends while there - Jay Zimmer (Dry Terror), Tracey Barrett (Anna of the Byzantium), and quite a few more too many to list out. It really was a great event, and I enjoyed the day despite the lack of significant sales. Item #4 - Tracey Barrett was kind enough to pass on information about another book signing conglomeration in the Nashville, TN area on October 11 & 12. I will not be able to attend, but do have the information if anyone would like to know a little more about it. Item #5 - I have an event coming up fairly soon at the Waldenbooks in Mattoon, Illinois, at Cross County Mall. There is more information listed on my website under the Book Schedule section, and I will get some information to follow on my blog soon about events and links. Ok, I think that about does it for now for me...plus, I'm only on the fifteen minute break work affords me, so I need to keep it short for now. Just a quick note to let all know that I'm neither dead or lost in the Bermuda Triangle. :) Promise I'll be caught up with everything soon. B.B. Walter www.bbwalter.com


Molly Daniels said...

Oh MAN! I'd love to go to Tennessee! My friend Kelly lives there, and I'd get to see her new house!

But I'm slated to appear at the Knox Co Fall Festival that weekend. Bummer. Too bad I can't clone myself; a third event is also that weekend! Arrrggghhh...

Looking forward to Fri; good to know I'll have at least ONE person there:)

pmrussell said...


The above link is a short story contest for people under 30. Since I've passed that stage, I immediately thought of you. If you're not interested, then maybe you know someone who might be.